My Lockdown Diary

Bored Bunny

Hi, I’m Bunny, and if you haven’t noticed already, I am really really bored! We’ve been living lives in lockdown for more than a year now. My life in lockdown has been a full plate of emotions. From finding the unfindable, losing the crucial, and enjoying the mundane, it has taken me everywhere albeit in the same house. Then why not chronicle everything of the past, the present, and the future so one day we can sit and read and laugh and cry together….

writer, sometimes a letter writer too

Note: This blog is a fictitious account of semi-fictitious characters. If you haven’t noticed, I am a writer and my imagination flies

Broken yet musical

A broken heart sings the sweetest tune

Thank God!

Honestly, do your thing because nobody gives a shit

Note to self – Tea Helps!

A cup of tea may not heal, but its aroma helps to fade the worries even if it is momentarily

Broken hearts will heal someday

O those with broken hearts, I promise you’ll heal too!

Keep dancing

Dance is the language of the soul, express it. Never suppress it

You’ll never be lonely in the woods

Get lost in the woods, hear the symphony of the forest. Whatever the world may say, the woods are never lonely

Love yourself

Your greatest responsibility is to love yourself and remember that you are enough


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